
In 2012, while still in graduate school, Aurora Solar co-founders Sam Adeyemo and Chris Hopper installed a commercial solar system for a school in East Africa. The project was a resounding success, allowing the school to save on its electricity bills as well as have a reliable and carbon-free source of energy. Talking to other solar installers, they found that soft-costs were impeding the growth of the industry. Based on these experiences, they founded Aurora with the goal of enabling any solar professional to design and sell an optimal solar project in minutes. Now, it's been used for more than 5 million projects and growing rapidly.

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Physics Aerospace

Securing Life Environment

Increasing Productivity Efficiency


Lux Investment: 2022


Christopher Hopper

Samuel Adeyemo

Lux partners
Brandon Reeves

Aurora Solar

Giselle Giglio
Laurence Pevsner
Nat Turner
David Yang
Kim Tran
Tess van Stekelenburg
Andrew Wilson
Tracie Rotter
Stevie Lee
Steven Brody
Shaq Vayda
Shahin Farshchi, PhD
Segolene Scarborough
Sean Traynor
Scott Rubin
Saunaz Moradi
Samuel Arbesman, PhD
Samantha Cho
Peter Hébert
Lindsay Morris
Lan Jiang
Josh Wolfe
Grace Isford
Deena Shakir
Debbie Elsen
Danny Crichton
Cristina Morris
Brandon Reeves
Brad Gritsch
Bibi Masara
Adam Kalish