Peter Hébert

Co-founder and Managing Partner
Helps lead firm. Invests across technology and healthcare.

About Peter

Peter co-founded Lux Capital with the idea that in order to have the biggest impact on the future, one should support the most scientifically and technologically ambitious ventures. His goal: to seek out founders developing things most people thought would not work, yet if they did, would become so intrinsic to our way of life that we would someday take them for granted.

Today Lux supports a wide range of once-impossible-sounding advancements, including 3D printing and imaging, nuclear waste cleanup, machine learning and robots that fly or conduct microsurgery.

Imitation is suicide. –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Peter led Lux’s investments in Auris Health (acquired by Johnson & Johnson for up to $6 billion, making it one of top 10 VC-backed private M&A transactions of all-time), Everspin Technologies (NASDAQ: MRAM), Lux Research (acquired by Bregal Sagemount), Luxtera (acquired by Cisco for $660 million), Matterport (acquired by CoStar for $2.1 billion), SiBEAM (acquired by Silicon Image), Transphorm (acquired by Renesas), and Vium (acquired by Recursion). Peter launched the firm’s Lux Health + Tech investment strategy, including the Nasdaq Lux Health Tech Index (NASDAQ: NQHTEC) and helped launch the First Trust Nasdaq Lux Digital Health Solutions ETF (NASDAQ: EKG). Current investments include Adimab, Altir, Basic Capital, Bright Machines, Carbon Health, eGenesis, Flex Logix, Ingenuity, Mendaera, Perchwell, Ripcord, Thematic, and Vosbor. In 2003, Peter led the spin-off of Lux Research. As its founding CEO, he helped build Lux Research into the leading emerging-technology research firm. In 2021, he co-founded Thematic as a next generation index and ETF developer and today serves as its Chairman.

Peter began his career at Lehman Brothers, where he worked in the firm’s top-ranked Equity Research group. He was a Chancellor’s Scholar and graduated cum laude from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School, and was the Founding President of its first venture organization, Future Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs. He has been a guest on CNBC and Bloomberg TV, and speaker at Columbia, Cornell, MIT, Stanford, Yale, and the National Science Foundation. Peter believes that all young people should have an opportunity to thrive and today serves on the board of the Boys & Girls Club of the Peninsula (BGCP).

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“The future is already here... it's just not evenly distributed yet.” — William Gibson
Outside of work
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Selected Investments

Auris Health
Carbon Health
Flex Logix

other team members

Josh Wolfe
Co-founder and Managing Partner
Steven Brody
Chief Operating Officer
Development and Operations
Adam Kalish
General Partner
Development and Operations
Segolene Scarborough
Chief Financial Officer
Development and Operations
Scott Rubin
Chief Marketing Officer
Development and Operations
Sean Traynor
General Counsel
Development and Operations
Brandon Reeves
General Partner
Deena Shakir
General Partner
Shahin Farshchi, PhD
General Partner
Grace Isford
Shaq Vayda
David Yang
Lan Jiang
Tess van Stekelenburg
Science Partner
Danny Crichton
Head of Editorial
Development and Operations
Nat Turner
Head of Events
Development and Operations
Laurence Pevsner
Director of Programming
Development and Operations
Tracie Rotter
Platform Partner
Development and Operations
Saunaz Moradi
Director of Communications
Development and Operations
Samuel Arbesman, PhD
Scientist in Residence
Development and Operations
Andrew Wilson
Associate General Counsel
Development and Operations
Samantha Cho
VP of Finance
Development and Operations
Stevie Lee
Assistant Controller
Development and Operations
Brad Gritsch
Accounting Manager
Development and Operations
Kim Tran
Fund Accountant
Development and Operations
Bibi Masara
Office Manager
Development and Operations
Debbie Elsen
Executive Assistant
Development and Operations
Lindsay Morris
Executive Assistant
Development and Operations
Giselle Giglio
Executive Assistant
Development and Operations
Cristina Morris
Executive Assistant
Development and Operations
Giselle Giglio
Laurence Pevsner
Nat Turner
David Yang
Kim Tran
Tess van Stekelenburg
Andrew Wilson
Tracie Rotter
Stevie Lee
Steven Brody
Shaq Vayda
Shahin Farshchi, PhD
Segolene Scarborough
Sean Traynor
Scott Rubin
Saunaz Moradi
Samuel Arbesman, PhD
Samantha Cho
Peter Hébert
Lindsay Morris
Lan Jiang
Josh Wolfe
Grace Isford
Deena Shakir
Debbie Elsen
Danny Crichton
Cristina Morris
Brandon Reeves
Brad Gritsch
Bibi Masara
Adam Kalish