Brandon Reeves
About Brandon
Ea velit est reprehenderit qui officia nostrud exercitation nisi. Anim pariatur ea voluptate occaecat laborum. Culpa qui sint labore eu aute ut ut. Proident eu ullamco aute commodo qui enim ut. Consectetur esse laborum enim.
Fugiat pariatur quis eu. Esse culpa consequat quis. Qui irure anim nulla deserunt ut est Lorem excepteur dolore occaecat eiusmod velit magna cupidatat. Ex id tempor ea mollit velit aute ex eiusmod sint id incididunt.

“The future is already here... it's just not evenly distributed yet.” — William Gibson

Selected Investments
Applied Intuition provides software infrastructure to safely develop, test and deploy autonomous vehicles at scale.
Engineering Electronics
Infrastructure Computer Science
Increasing Productivity Efficiency
Lux investment: 2017
Qasar Younis
Peter Ludwig
Benchling is transforming research and development with the industry's most widely adopted Life Sciences R&D Cloud.
Advancing Human Health
Progressing Science Knowledge
Lux investment: 2020
Saji Wickramasekara
Ashu Singhal
Hugging Face is on a mission to advance and democratize Natural Language Processing.
Infrastructure Computer Science
Progressing Science Knowledge
Increasing Productivity Efficiency
Lux investment: 2019
Clément Delangue
Julien Chaumond
Together's aim is to help create open models that outrival closed models and establish open-source as the default way to incorporate AI.
Infrastructure computer science
Lux investment: 2023
Vipul Ved Prakash
Ce Zhang
Chris Re
Percy Liang
Sakana AI is a Tokyo-based R&D company on a quest to build a new kind of foundation model based on nature-inspired intelligence.
Increasing Productivity Efficiency
Lux investment: 2024
David Ha
Llion Jones